Photo Share Gallery
Herb Pitts Celebration of Life
Tom Martin's Visit to Vimy
The Jack Glenn Collection from
(about) 1957-1964 - including Calgary - Germany
Updated Feb. 25,
The QOR 2015 Event in Botwood & Gander
Updated Aug. 16, 2015.
Most pages contain 100 photos so please be patient.
Our 2015 Booklet - PDF press ready copy format w/o all ads. 40 page version.
Updated Friday April 08, 2022
Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 5, Botwood Memorial Service 2013
More Pictures by Mrs. & Mr. Edmond Jackman
Queens Diamond Jubilee
Members awarded the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal
Jim Sheppard Military Museum
Jim's Sheppard's Military Museum1.htm About (60)
Trip to Visit the Museum.htm " (80)
Historical Pictures
Platoon Pictures - as well as 1-22 platoon; we are still short some platoons in other categories!!
Please select by left clicking the specific gallery (bulleted & in blue) you wish to view:
Reunion 2010 (Victoria) Pictures by Bill Collins
Reunion 2010 (Toronto) Pictures by John Shapter
Reunion 2010 (Toronto) Pictures by Wayne Reid
Reunion 2007 Pictures
Other Collections
Albums from Casa Loma Museum
The followings albums are from Casa Loma Museum in Toronto. The start date for the first album is October 1961.They are as close to original as I can get them with the least amount of editing. All edges are trimmed. Some pictures were not mounted squarely on some pages.
Learn more about Casa Loma and the QOR connection at Wikipedia: To see what Casa Loma is all about go here:
Album 1
Includes pictures of platoons 95 to 122.
Album 2
Includes pictures of platoons 123 to 141
Album 3
Includes pictures of platoons 142 up.
Viewers since June 22/2008